Guest mode


This quickstart will get you up and running with auth in about 10 minutes.

1. Add your signup form

Additional resources

Install the Userfront UI Toolkit

Install @userfront/toolkit with npm.

Use the Vue signup form component

Initialize the Userfront Vue library with your workspace ID using Userfront.init().

Import SignupForm and add it as a component in your <script> section.

Add the <signup-form /> component to your <template>.

View a working example

2. Use your signup form

Give it a try: fill out your signup form and submit it.

Upon successful signup, the form does 2 things:

  1. Redirects the browser to /dashboard.

    We'll edit this next.

  2. Adds a secure access token named access.<YOUR WORKSPACE_ID> to your browser's cookies.

    This token is a JWT with the user's information, which you can send to your own backend.

Your form is in test mode, which means it creates a user record in your test environment when the form is submitted.

This is a preview of your signup form.

3. Set your redirect & domain

In your Redirect paths page, update the After-signup path to /home.

Now when you re-submit your signup form, you should be redirected to /home.

4. Add login and others

Follow the same process for your other tools:

Add a login form to your /login page.
Add a password reset form to your /reset page.

For logout most of our users typically choose to call Userfront.logout()from Userefront's core.js library directly.

Read more about CoreJS#logout here.

To install the prebuilt logout button follow these instructions.

Test mode vs live mode

Userfront forms and API calls operate in the context of a "mode", either live or test mode. When you deploy your forms to any of your live domains and the browser is using HTTPS, the forms will operate in live mode automatically, otherwise they will operate in test mode.

Read more about the differences between live & test mode here.


Congratulations, you've added auth to your site.

To enable live mode, add your website to the list of live domains on the Live domains page.